Our success is due in part thanks to our amazing sponsors.


Our sponsors contribute their expertise and support to make many of our chapter events and activities possible.

What would you pay to be directly in front of the decision maker for a single potential new client?

Entrepreneur’s Organization San Antonio has over 60+ engaged members in our chapter who are all the decision makers of their organizations. They believe in EO and want to give back.

This engagement also extends to the strategic partners that support EO. Many members are willing to give an EO strategic partner the opportunity to win their business. If they aren’t directly going to provide you with their business, they will likely have a referral for you.

We support our Strategic Alliance Partners (SAP). What do our Strategic Alliance Partners (SAP) get for their money and support? The chance to become part of the EO eco-system, helping to generate and grow their own sales. This is done by developing a relationship with key decision makers in relevant target group companies, who are driven by growth, both business-wise and personally.

By becoming a SAP, your company gets the chance to develop long-lasting relationships with EO members in often a very private and open setting.

Four key reasons EO is a perfect partnership:

1. EO members are decision makers in companies of significant scale.

2. EO members are often high net-worth individuals.

3. EO connections are exponential to the actual number of members in our chapter – EO members are well connected, as are the other SAPs in our chapter.

4. Partners can gain access to the wealth of experience within our chapter as well as an invitation to participate in the many learning opportunities we host.

5. Partners also have access to Entrepreneurs’ Organization’s Accelerator (EOA) program in San Antonio, which has been the catalyst to enable many first-stage entrepreneurs to successfully grow their businesses to the next level.

Our mission is to empower you with the tools you need to grow your business to more than US$1 million in sales and provide you with the skills to make yourself a better entrepreneur and leader.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities,

EO San Antonio Strategic Partner Chair:

Ed Howie – edhowie@btycreative.com I 210.317.1192